Oriental Lily '
COLOR: white
HEIGHT: 24-36"
LOCATION: Full sun - semi shade
DURATION: July - August
USE: Bedding plant, cut flower.
ZONE: 3 - 8
SIZE: 14-16cm
CONSIDERATIONS: Fragrant, spectacular color, 10" flower size, long lasting flowers. Easy to grow.
Plant bulbs in full sun and well-drained soil. Mulch or plant to keep roots shaded and cool. Fertilize Lilies after shoots begin to emerge. Use any organic fertilize follow the directions on the container. Stake tall varieties. Remove spent flowers but leave entire stem standing until it turns brown in fall. If you cut blooms for arrangements, take no more than one third of the stem; cutting more will reduce the ability of the plant to store energy for next year's blooms.
To grow Lilies in containers, choose a 12"+ in diameter. Add a 2-3" layer of potting mix to the pot, set the bulbs in place, cover with mix, and water thoroughly. The tops of the bulbs should be planted at least 4" deep. A 12" pot will hold 3 bulbs.
Note, Lilies, especially those grown in the ground, often take another year after planting to achieve their full height.
The first year they sleep;
the second year they creep;
the third year they leap.
Author Unknown
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