The year is so young and I got already this great award from one of my most wonderful blog friend Michele at The Rocky Mountain Retreat
Thank you so much Michele!!! I'm so happy and so honored to receive this award from a person like you and I display it on my blog with BIG pride!
The following bloggers were inspiring for me in many ways in 2007 and I want you to let you know how much I appreciate you and your blogging work and how much inspiration I'm getting from you, visiting and reading your blogs!
And the award goes to:
Jessica is a very talented young fellow photographer. To see her refreshing, excellent work in wedding- and portrait/people photography is a joy and a feast for your eyes. Thank you Jessica to inspire me with your young and refreshing name in photography! Check out her website!
Max was very inspiring for me in 2007 because he showed to me how strong you can be and how strong he was during his stay in the hospital bed and in his fast recovering from a heart attack last year! Thanks Max for this strong "lesson in life".
Pete is a graphic designer and marketing/communications professional and he is doing stunning photography with his camera phone. Your great blog ideas are one of the most creative ideas I ever have seen; you were and you are inspirational to me Pete!
Peter is a Swiss guy, living in Switzerland and in Darfur. I want to say some words to him in German now, it's way easier for me to express myself :
Deinen Blog zu lesen, Peter, war und ist immer sehr inspirierend fuer mich, da ich so viel Neues kennelernen durfte aus einem mir bis anhin unbekannten Land und dein Leben unter oft widrigen Umstaenden: in Darfur. Inspirirend waren fuer mich deine immer sehr interessanten und spannenden Berichte und deine Art, mit den richtig gewaehlten Worten alltaegliche und weniger alltaegliche Begebenheiten aus deinem Leben "auf's Papier" zu bringen. Ich danke dir fuer alle diese Inspirationen, ich moechte sie nicht mehr missen!
These are all my inspirational fellow Bloggers for just now...I know there are so many more out there who deserve this award and I'm visiting their blogs every day and they give me so many inspirations for so many things in life.
But you all know also, actually I don't like to write so much (in English)...so, to make a long story short:
I just want say to all of you:
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