The “Arte y Pico” award was created and to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and their talents, whether it be writing and/or artwork in all Medias. When you receive this award it is considered a “special honor”. Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to at least 5 others.
I got this award yesterday from Kriz cPec, a good blogger friend of mine. Check out his nice photo blog http://krizcpec.blogspot.com/ He loves to do nature photography and he has also a big passion for great bird photography. Thank you Kriz for this award, I'm very honored and I forward it proudly to my 5 fellow bloggers listed below:
I'm a big fan of Karens art, from "Ottawa Art Talk" Blog. I'm reading and enjoy her blog with RSS feeds, every day. Please go to her blog and have a look and you will know what I'm talking about. I wish I could do paintings so well, that way she is doing!
Peter, he is worldwide traveled Swiss guy in Darfur and will retire pretty soon some when this year. I love to read his blog (with RSS feed) because of his great and very exciting writing name. Thanks for sharing your interesting life with us, Peter! I'm looking forward to your first book too! :-)
Anna, she is now a proud mother of a beautiful new born baby son. I know that she will have not the time just now, to spread this award to other bloggers. I just want to let here know, how much I admire her refreshing name of blogging and her beautiful photography and how much I appreciate our virtual friendship together. Thank you Anna - I know you are a busy Mom now - but maybe later one day, when little M. is grown more, you will have the time to come back to the computer screen again on a regular base. We are missing you!
Michele, I love her blog and all the gorgeous photos she is doing. She tells us about her life there in the Canadian Rockies’ with all her spectacular nature photos. I come to your blog Michele and it feels for me often almost like I can breath all that fresh Canadian mountains air. Nice to have you as my blogger friend!
Carol is an excellent photographer women, living in GB. Her blog is a MUST to visit and to enjoy all that great photography she is showing. She is a big talent and she has also THE eye for photography!! It is a feast for all your senses to see her work! I'm glad I met you Carol and I'll be there on your blog, every single day!
Please pass on this award to 5 other friends of yours - make them happy, make them smile! :-)
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